Monday, March 16, 2009

Open letter to Augusta, Maine:

When I think of the future, I see Augusta, the town I live in and have grown up in, being not only a great place to live but one of the greatest cities in New England. If you've ever been to Augusta, you know that it's not much to write home about. Here are the bullet points if you haven't - Population: 18,560; Home to the Maine State House & University of Maine at Augusta; and apart from the Marketplace, a byproduct of urban sprawl and bastard child of capitalism flooded with consumer-zombies, that's about it. The sidewalks roll up promptly at 9pm, leaving us nWal-mart until midnight (no longer 24hrs). By the grace of the gods Denny's is open 24-7.

Is that all we have to offer the world? Really, Augusta? You are the capital of the Vacationland for christ sake! You cant figure out a way to support something of substance in a state teeming with talent? Something other than retail stores and big commercial chains? Unfortunately, the rest of the state, a few places excluded, seem to be following your trend of degradation in the name of "development." It doesn't have to be this way. I submit change. Real, honest to goodness change. Change that goes against economic trends. With the understanding that there is a need for a community-based effort to be better, with it I think Augusta could be great.

There is so much potential in this town that is just auctioned off to the highest bidder with the best of self-serving intentions. That's not good for us as a town. We need support from each other and we need to work together to make Augusta a better place. So far I have sat idly by hoping that something better would come along and save me from this stagnation. After 21 long years, nothing. No longer will I wait. I don't yet know how, but i will do everything in my power to turn this town around, with or without the help of "Augusta's Elite." Let the record show, I set my foresight high and I have lofty goals. I believe in Augusta. I just hope it believes in me.

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